Spanish streamer ‘MarkiLokurasY’ permanently banned from Twitch

SPanish Twitch Streamer markilokurasy BannedTwitter: markilokurasy

One of the most followed Spanish Twitch streamers ‘MarkiLokurasY’ has been permanently banned from the platform after violating Twitch’s sexual content guidelines on stream.

Whether it’s revealing too much or clicking on a link that somebody posted in chat, streamers tend to make a lot of mistakes by violating Twitch’s sexual content guidelines.

Usually, when Twitch’s sexual content rules are violated, it leads to the streamer taking a short three-day suspension, but for the Spanish Twitch streamer known as MarkiLokurasY, a three-day vacation would’ve been his best outcome.

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Marcos “MarkiLokurasY” Barragan Rosado has amassed over 1.4M followers on Twitch over the years from playing Fortnite, making him one of the biggest Spanish streamers. But being one of the most followed streamers doesn’t protect you from Twitch’s terms of service.

Twitch banTwitch
MarkiLokurasY’s Twitch channel is no longer available.

On August 13, MarkiLokurasY was streaming Fortnite like usual. That was until he was mysteriously hit with his third Twitch ban. With consideration of the streamer’s previous controversial bans in mind, viewers began speculating as to what actually happened.

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MarkiLokurasY eventually revealed why he was banned in a tweet shortly after news broke about his ban.

“They have banned me permanently because in a live show a week ago a guy came out jumping rope naked, I thought it was an edit and I still think about it but that’s why. I swear to you that I have been streaming daily for 10 or more hours and I have done my best to prevent this from happening, I’m sorry.”

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The streamer went onto say in another tweet “I’m going to take some time, okay? I’m sorry to all of you who came in every day to see me, it’s not in my hand“.

With it being his third Twitch ban in two years, a permanent ban was to be expected. It’s unclear what the streamer’s next plan of action will be, but with YouTube and Facebook becoming more prominent platforms to stream on, we may see him on there sometime in the future.

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