Smaller Twitch streamers hit out at “ridiculous” TV show meta

twitchMax Mustermann |

Smaller Twitch streamers have hit out at the “ridiculous” TV show meta, voicing their concerns for their own future on the platform.

React streams have been a part of Twitch for as long as any viewer can remember. Be it funny YouTube videos or montages or other Twitch streamers’ clips, clicking a video link and just reacting can be entertaining. But most recently, they have begun to watch whole TV shows or movies.

Seemingly spawned by Disguised Toast’s idea to shake up the react meta by pushing the DMCA limits and broadcasting full Naruto episodes, other big-named streamers such as xQc, Mizkif, and most recently banned, Pokimane, have taken it a step further by showing full episodes of various TV series. There are others like Rich Campbell, who have decided to stream a whole movie trilogy while asleep during a subathon.

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It hasn’t been every big-named streamer though, as broadcasters like Sodapoppin and Asmongold have given their thoughts on the matter and how it can affect the future of the platform.

xqc-unschuldigTwitch: xQc
xQc is one of the more prevalent react streamers.

Concerns that are especially echoed by smaller streamers due to possible sitewide ramifications affecting them.

Smaller Twitch streamers worry over the new Twitch reaction meta

In response to Twitch streamer AdmiralBahroo’s tweet that expressed his distaste for when content creators “break the rules” to later be “welcomed back with 3x viewership,” smaller streamers vocalized their concerns on the react meta.

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They explained their side of it and how bigger creators’ actions could bring in site-wide ramifications that could also affect them.

There are streamers like bast_50, who voiced their concerns on how it makes them feel “like an idiot for following the rules” and that “in order to grow” they “should not give a f**k” moving forward.

There are also other streamers like Strykur who seemingly made fun of the process stating that “Twitch really needs to hold their big creators more accountable instead of a slap on the wrist.”

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With streamers beginning to feel the repercussions for their actions, only time will tell if the platform will address this issue.