SlikeR baits Korean streamer with sneaky Minecraft prank

Twitter: ItsSlikeR / Twitch: HAchubby

Popular Twitch streamer HAchubby was left shocked after her Minecraft streaming partner ‘ItsSlikeR‘ continuously baited her into falling for a sneaky trick that sent her character to an explosive death.

While Minecraft has exploded in popularity again in 2019, the game initially released over 10 years ago, leaving many Twitch streamers to discover well-known game mechanics for the first time. 

SlikeR found this out the hard way during his August 24 stream, when his chat fooled him into accidentally throwing his pickaxe into lava. Now, the Twitch personality has continued the cycle by sneakily baiting fellow streamer HAchubby during their Minecraft collaboration.

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“What the f**k!?”

The two streamers had reached ‘The Nether’, a hellish dimension and one of the deepest levels in the sandbox game, when SlikeR told her they were going to sleep. “Put your bed down, but don’t sleep next to me, I sleep alone. Let’s sleep” he said.

After sneaking away from her, the Korean streamer clicked the bed to sleep and was instantly killed with a scorching explosion that left her frowning and stunned in silence, as players can not sleep in the Nether. 

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Finally breaking her silence, she yelled “What the fuck!?” repeatedly.  Feigning ignorance, SlikeR came back into chat and acted confused by what happened, pretending that they had just died randomly.

Not just content with tricking her once, the Twitch streamer then baited HAchubby into sleeping in a bed again, after asking her when her birthday was and saying that he would send her a present if she went to sleep

“November, I’ll give you a birthday present,” he said to try to entice her. “Really!?” she said in excitement. “Yes, go to sleep, and I’ll give you a birthday present!”

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Falling for it, the Korean streamer clicked to sleep in the bed, when the mattress exploded and her character was instantly killed while being engulfed in flames.

This time the Korean streamer knew that he was to blame and screamed “You, know!” repeatedly before shouting “What the hell!?”

Still acting coy, SlikeR continued to deny not knowing. “You know! You are very bad! Okay? You 100% know!” the Korean screamed.

From SlikeR’s point of view, he could hardly contain his laughter as he led his friend like a lamb to the slaughter. As HAchubby began to place her bed, he started crack a smile in anticipation.

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After she exploded to her death, he couldn’t hold it in longer and had to mute his mic and put it away from his face as he broke out into an intense laughter, before putting his hand over his eyes after pulling off the sneaky prank.

Minecraft continues to be a force to be reckoned with, as it’s consistently in the top 10 most streamed categories on Twitch, and doesn’t show any signs of slowing down. 

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HAchubby while relatively new, already has over 91k followers and rising, while SlikeR has over 143k as of the time of this article.