Shroud praises New World’s endgame content: “It’s exactly how MMOs should be”

Shroud Twitch New World Endgame ContentAmazon Game Studios / Twitch: Shroud

Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek has been on the New World grind. While the game’s endgame content has been a much-contended point, the former CSGO pro turned Twitch star is a big fan, claiming “it’s exactly how MMOs should be”.

While shroud might be more well-known for his FPS exploits, he’s a big MMORPG fan. Having played World of Warcraft on stream ⁠— including plenty of Classic ⁠— he loves the grindy games, even if they aren’t as explosive as a Valorant co-stream.

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Recently, he’s been hooked on New World like much of the Twitch streaming community. The Amazon-developed MMO has been a huge hit, and it’s not even properly out yet.

Some players, including Asmongold, have criticized the lack of endgame content, however. Shroud disagrees with that sentiment though; the streamer believes the race to max level is just a small part of New World’s overall adventure.

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Asmongold believes New World needs more time in the oven before a full release.

“‘Is it crazy that people are level 60 already?’ Not really, because even if you’re 60 there’s still so much to do. That’s exactly how MMOs should be,” said Shroud on July 28. “They should not be this race to be max level and they’re done.”

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New World’s levelling mechanics mean that while you can farm certain tasks to just get your character to the max level, they won’t be the best in all departments.

You need to hone your weapon mastery, harvesting, crafting, and more by actually doing those activities. It means after you hit Level 60, there’s still plenty to do.

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Being max level doesn’t mean that you’ve run out of rope in New World.

Shroud explained: “They should be ‘alright, if you want to prioritize getting max level then that’s great’, you can do it, but there’s other people out there who might be prioritizing something different.”

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“They might not be max level, but they might be an insane crafter

“Or they’re an insane harvester,” he continued, “or maybe their mastery in all their weapons are so high because somebody had a different method of levelling and that method of levelling flew them up in the levels, but their mastery is low.”

The related segment begins at 2:17.

The different ways of levelling your character and all their different aspects has shroud hooked. He didn’t highlight a specific favorite, but he’s been doing everything from chopping trees to engaging in the game’s PVP to build up his masteries.

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The Twitch star appreciates the diversity: “I love that there’s different ways and different styles and everybody has their own way of doing things. That’s cool…rather than every single person following the same path. I like that a lot.”