Apex Legends bug causes Shroud to miss out on thousands from MrBeast during charity stream

YouTuber Apex Legends session but things did not go according to plan.

If you’re even a casual viewer of YouTube and Twitch chances are you know who MrBeast is.

MrBeast is very well known in the community for donating large amounts of money to charity and smaller Twitch streamers, but he also hooks up the big streamers too.

Twitch superstar shroud was given a challenge by MrBeast during his stream on March 25 where $5,000 was up for grabs for each kill he secured in Apex Legends.

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Shroud was more than up to the task as he’s one of the best players Apex Legends has to offer, despite his elbow injury.

shroud and MrBeast meet for the first time

While shroud and MrBeast knew of each other before, this was actually the first time the two have met in person.

MrBeast was there to create a sponsored Apex Legends video with shroud but in true MrBeast fashion, he offered a challenge to shroud that would result in him making lots of money for a charity of his choice.

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Apex Legends picked a bad time to crash

In the midst of a match where shroud had already earned $30,000 to a charity, the game randomly crashed, causing him to officially ‘lose’ the challenge.

“Oh no, is this real?” shroud asked. “Did that really just happen? Oh no, I was at 30 grand.”

It was definitely not an ideal time for the game to crash as he likely would’ve been able to get a lot more money from that match in particular.

Luckily, MrBeast was a good sport about it all and still decided to support shroud’s charity.

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If you’re ever looking to raise money for charity through someone playing video games, shroud is always a good bet.

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