Shroud explains why he wouldn’t care if he got a Twitch ban

Shroud faces the camera next to the Twitch logoYouTube: Shroudy Rowdy

Popular streamer Michael ‘shroud’ Grzesiek has shared his interesting take on big streamers getting banned, saying that he probably wouldn’t care if he were to be banned because “it doesn’t really do anything.”

Twitch streamer xQc was banned from Twitch for seven days after being accused of stream sniping in Twitch Rivals. He was also banned from Twitch Rivals events for six months and had to forfeit his GlitchCon prize money.

But this most recent ban has got people thinking about how bans operate on Twitch more broadly, considering whether they actually have the desired effect on larger streamers.

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Shroud has said about xQc’s ban specifically that “I actually didn’t think he was going to get banned. A lot of people were saying it was blown out of proportion. I think it was the opposite.”

xQc instagram photoInstagram: xqcow1
xQc has become arguably the biggest name on Twitch in 2020.

But he also spoke about the effect of bans on huge streamers like Dr Disrespect, xQc and others, and claimed that a ban is actually not the worst thing in the world for big streamers.

“Getting banned doesn’t mean anything,” he began. “Dr Disrespect got banned for a month for streaming in a bathroom. He came back stronger than ever.”

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He went on to explain that although he strives not to get banned, “if I did get banned, would I really care though? Probably not, because getting banned doesn’t really do anything. You take a little vacation, and you come back swinging.”

Topic starts at 0:55

“It’s weird how getting banned for a big streamer is a best case scenario, which basically makes zero sense,” he continued, before speaking on Twitch’s rules. “Twitch can’t really change the rules of how someone gets banned based off their top streamers, it’s not really fair. I’m just happy they’re keeping it consistent.”

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It seems that the system intended to scold streamers actually ends up being better off for them, giving them a ‘vacation’ from streaming while knowing their follower base will be there waiting when they return.