Seth Green NFT TV show on hold after Bored Ape gets stolen and resold

Twitter: SethGreen/ Instagram: SethGreen

Actor Seth Green has been pleading with an NFT purchaser on Twitter after having several of his NFTs stolen in a phishing scam.

Seth Green as an actor and producer is perhaps most widely known for starring in 00’s comedies and Family Guy. But the multi-talented man has long had his fingers in many internet pies.

He’s the creative driving force behind Robot Chicken and its many spinoffs with a whole generation of internet comedy taking influence from his huge body of work.

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Keeping up to date and on top of the wild sea that the internet can be has seen the Philadelphia native develop an NFT-based TV show utilizing Bored Apes as central characters.

With the show ‘White Horse Tavern’ currently in development with Gary Vaynerchuk co-producing, The team hit a wall after Seth fell foul of a phishing scam.

No specific details have been released, but the scam saw the actor and producer lose access to four NFTs integral to the development of the show.

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Bored Ape #8398 in particular is voiced by Green himself and is shown to be the lead character of the series.

Pulling apart the copyright red tape in a situation like this is particularly difficult due to the unfamiliarity of the legal system with NFT ownership.

Hoping to resolve this issue, Seth reached out directly to the new owner of the stolen Ape, Twitter user ‘DarkWing84.’ Asking the supposed new owner to “hit me up so we can fix it.”

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User response amidst a flurry of NFT and Crypto derision following the phenomenal crash over the past month has been less than sympathetic to the comedian.

With some posting links to Jeff Steitzer, acclaimed voice behind the halo announcements, and his pertinent statement of “Bored Apes Stolen“.

Seth Green has not made follow-up statements declaring the state of the show, but we will be sure to keep you updated should any changes appear.