Racer’s F1 2021 Twitch stream crashes after literally getting struck by lightning

Twitch strreamer before being stuck by lightning.Twitch/THOMB

F1 2021 Twitch streamer THOMB had his broadcast end in disaster after his home was literally struck by lightning during a race.

Racing fans have been enjoying the content provided by F1 2021 since its release in mid-July. With players of all calibers putting the pedal to the metal, it’s a good time to be a racing fan, but for one racer, things got a little too much like Back 2 The Future.

During a July 27 Twitch stream, THOMB was racing as a menacing storm raged outside. It was so loud in fact, that viewers could hear the cracking boom of thunder as the race continued.

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Suddenly, a tremendous roar ripped through the broadcast as THOMB’s webcam flickered a bizarre green for an eerie second.

In that instant, THOMB’s screen froze and he seemingly lost control of his vehicle before pulling up to the pause menu.

“Oh my God, guys. Are you still there?” he asked. “Are you still there? Guys, literally my monitor went out! Can you hear me? What? Oh my God!”

While the stream still rolled, THOMB began wondering if it was even safe to continue with the broadcast. Still, the whole incident seemed to be quite scary for him and so absurd that he felt the need to promote it on Twitter.

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“Got struck by lightning today,” he captioned the video with a smile emoji.

Hopefully the next time he gets racing, the IRL conditions are just as good as the ones in the game.