Pizza chef reveals how to steal slices without anyone noticing

pizza chef reveals how to steal slices without customers knowingTikTok: pizzajayryan

A pizza chef has gone viral on TikTok for revealing his tricks and trades on how to steal slices of pizza without anyone noticing.

Takeout can be tricky and sometimes costly, so getting your full order when it’s finally delivered or picked up is essential.

However, there are instances when takeout orders aren’t as fulfilling both portion size and taste-wise.

And if pizza chef and connoisseur Jay Ryan is handling your pizza order, well, you best be prepared for a smaller size than what you ordered, because he’s revealed a way to steal slices without anyone noticing.

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Pizza lovers say they don’t want their pizza cut after seeing how slices are stolen

Jay Ryan is both a pizza chef and an avid TikToker. Often, he takes to the platform to share videos of fresh pizzas right out of the oven at his employment.

However, recently, he’s gone viral for revealing how he, as a pizza maker, gets away with stealing slices without the customer knowing.

First, he takes the pizza out of the oven and rests it on a tray. He then slices two straight lines down the middle about two inches thick. 

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Then, Jay Ryan picks up each side of the pizza, as at that point, it would be cut in half with part of the middle gone.

Lastly, once in the pizza box, he cuts the pie into 8 equal slices. 

So, if you’re ordering an 18” pizza, you’d technically be getting a 16” — however, unless you measured the circumference of the pizza, it’s truly not noticeable that part of the pizza is gone.

Those who viewed Jay Ryan’s pizza hack on TikTok took to his comments to say that they didn’t want their pizzas cut anymore.

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One viewer even mentioned that had Jay Ryan not cut the center out of the pizza, that the pizza wouldn’t fit in the box. So, perhaps it had been done on purpose.

Though Jay Ryan did reveal his pizza slice hack, he didn’t confirm ever using it. However, viewers did say that it looked like he had “done that more than once.”