PewDiePie opens up about being robbed after home break-in

YouTube: PewDiePie / Pixabay

YouTube king Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg had his house in Japan broken into back in November 2019. Now the Swedish star has opened up about how the experience impacted him.

In 2019, PewDiePie and his wife Marzia Kjellberg bought a second house in Japan. However while away from the property in November, thieves broke into their home and stole expensive items.

Now the YouTuber is opening up about the incident, and in his February 29 upload, he explained his thoughts on the break-in. The Swedish star took a deep dive into how it impacted him mentally.

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PewDiePie opens about his house being broken into

While the YouTuber has briefly touched on his house being broken into in the past, his latest video was the first time he addressed it head on. “A few months ago, our house was broken into. No one was home at the time when it happened, but it was surprising to find out,” he began.

The entertainer said that while most people were supportive after the robbery, some celebrated the incident. “A few people on the internet took the news as a chance to celebrate. Rationalizing it since I have wealth, it’s just a minor inconvenience,” he continued.

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However, the Swede revealed that nothing of his was actually stolen, just his wife’s. “Another irony is that nothing was stolen from the break-in. At least personally. Even my two most valuable items, my camera and computer, were left. Whatever they took was from my wife unfortunately.”

Instagram: @itsmarziapie
The Swedish YouTuber has been spending time in Japan after buying a house there in 2019.

Pewds said that he had recently sold or donated many of his items that lack personal value, or have any “utility” to them. He then explained how reading Greek philosopher Diogenes helped him shift away from caring about material things.

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“Diogenes and Socrates’ minds were very different. But neither of them wrote down their own ideas, they lived them instead. I don’t think you’ll see me living in a barrel anytime soon. Although I find it funny how I lost more items reading about [Diogenes] then actually getting robbed did,” he said.

The popular YouTuber has been a fan of philosophy, and has created multiple videos on his channel about the subject in the past. In December 2019, he cited Aristotle to explain why he hated Twitter before he exclaimed “F**k Twitter!” and deleted his account.

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Despite the break-in being stressful and a violation of his privacy, the Swedish entertainer’s love of philosophy has seemed to have helped him get through it.

PewDiePie has continued to crush it on YouTube in 2020, drawing in millions of views a video since returning from his month off from creating content in January.