PewDiePie explains why failed Area 51 raid was actually a “win”

YouTube: PewDiePie / Pixabay

During September 23 episode of ‘Meme Review’, YouTube king Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg joked about the Area 51 raid event that failed to live up to expectations, and explained why it wasn’t a complete write-off.

A joke event posted on Facebook on June 27 got out of hand when millions of people signed up to ‘raid Area 51’ to see aliens. And despite being obviously comedic with its description that encouraged participants to “Naruto run” past military bullets, some people actually decided to show up in Nevada on September 20 where the military base is located.

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During the latest episode of Meme Review, PewDiePie gave his take on the whole event, as he reacted to memes that made fun of the raid and the people that actually turned up to storm the facility.

Area 51 raid still “an absolute win”

After setting the stage by explaining what the event was and the fact that millions of people claimed they were going to attend, the YouTuber said “This was expectation, and this is reality” as he reacted to the news that only a select few actually showed up

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He then watched the infamous ‘Naruto runner’ clip which featurs a man who showed up for the raid, and ran behind a news anchor reporting on the scene like the anime character. 

“Well, what actually happened was one guy…” he started before he broke into laughter, trying to spin the news into a positive event. “Naruto ran in front of a news guy, and I see this as an absolute win!”

(Timestamp of 01:05 for mobile viewers.)

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Despite many memes poking fun of the people that actually showed up in the desert, PewDiePie was a little bit more kind to some of them, when he reacted to a meme that said that anyone who showed up is a “fucking legend”.

“I kind of have to agree. Like, well done” Pewds said, admiring those that went to great lengths to keep a ridiculous meme going. “Although if you live in Nevada you are not a legend. You’re just a local, let’s get real here.”

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PewDiePie’s final thoughts on Area 51 raid

When another meme pointed out that people shouldn’t be mad that the raid wasn’t successful, the Swede interjected and laughed “Wait what did people think a successful raid would be? There wasn’t actually alien girls with alien pussy!”

The YouTube king then broke down his final thoughts on the Area 51 raid as a meme. “It definitely helped the fact that it had a deadline. Because all memes are just dead after a week. But thanks to the Facebook event, it had a pretty good longevity. It had a pretty good run. I’m happy with it. There was a good meme for once!”

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(Timestamp of 01:50 for mobile viewers.)

While no aliens were seen, at least no one that showed up the desert managed to get hurt. And as the Swede said, the internet got some funny memes out of it.

PewDiePie is currently the biggest independent content creator on the YouTube platform with over 101 million subscribers as of the time of this article.