PewDiePie debunks rumors around fiance Marzia’s YouTube retirement

The king of YouTube, Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg, has come forward to clear the air around his fiance’s indefinite hiatus from the platform.

Marzia Bisognin announced on October 22 that she would be quitting YouTube indefinitely, admitting that she wanted to ‘find her own path’ in life.

While Marzia’s eight-minute announcement video cited her connection to Felix as a major reason for her retirement, rumors abounded that this development was due to poor mental health or creator burnout – and some even speculated that she was pregnant.

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However, PewDiePie has since debunked these rumors in his latest episode of Pew News, taking issue with any misrepresentation of her statements in the video.

“It had nothing to do with mental health,” he stated. “…It’s been an amazing seven years and she wants to take her own path. I’m proud of her for taking that step.”

He likewise felt that it might be difficult for other YouTubers to understand her retirement, considering the current value of internet stardom.

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“I think for a lot of people, it’s just completely incomprehensible why you would quit YouTube,” he continued. “Ultimately, life is more than YouTube.”

PewDiePie claimed that many YouTubers might feel trapped in the platform as their only means of success, and suggested that Marzia is ‘taking the leap’ to work toward her next venture.

Marzia has updated her announcement video with a comment explaining why she’d deleted nearly all of the videos on her channel, stating that she ‘needs a clear head,’ and that she is currently undergoing an ‘adjustment period’ before starting the next chapter of her life.

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