PETA slammed for controversial Steve Irwin Tweets – KSI, Jacksepticeye, MKBHD, NICKMERCS and more respond

YouTube: KSI/JackSepticEye

A number of internet personalities fired backed at animal protection charity PETA after they criticized Google’s decision to pay tribute to Steve Irwin on what would have been his 57th birthday.

The TV star, who died in 2006 after being struck by a stingray, was the inspiration for the February 22 Google Doodle – which included cartoon illustrations of him working alongside his family and a number of wild animals.

His widow, Terri Irwin, also shared her own tribute to Steve on the search engine’s Doodle page. However, PETA took exception to the posts with a furious Twitter thread. 

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GoogleThe Doodle showed Irwin with animals – just like he lived his life.

They tweeted: “#SteveIrwin was killed while harassing a ray; he dangled his baby while feeding a crocodile & wrestled wild animals who were minding their own business. Today’s #GoogleDoodle sends a dangerous, fawning message. Wild animals are entitled to be left alone in their natural habitats.”

The account didn’t stop there as they continued to post tweets stating that what Irwin did to create entertainment was “harassment” and “not on target with his supposed message of protecting wildlife.”

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However, they faced backlash for their posts as Twitter users fired back at them. YouTube star KSI simply told them to “just shut the fuck up,” adding an emoji with rolled eyes.

He wasn’t the only YouTuber to respond to the lengthy Twitter thread in a fiery fashion.

“You’re like the kid who wasn’t invited to the party but came anyway and shat in the pool just to get a reaction,” tweeted Seán ‘JackSepticEye’ McLoughlin.

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German music producer Christian Friedrich Johannes Büttner, known as TheFatRat, stated that because of the Twitter thread he would no longer be supporting the charity with his regular donations. 

“This ain’t it chief,” added technology YouTuber Marques Brownlee, while hugely popular Twitch streamer Nick ‘NickMercs’ Kolcheff asked the PETA account to block him back because of their tweets.

Other personalities, like Tucker ‘Jericho’ Boner, decided to take a more crude approach with their response to PETA’s controversial thread. 

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It’s not the first, and probably won’t be the last, time that PETA has landed themselves in hot water for comments made on their Twitter account.