Passenger goes viral after submitting a “scathing” airline survey mid-flight

Passenger goes viral after submitting a scathing airline survey mid-flightTikTok: goinggonemadd / Unsplash: Arkin Si

A passenger had his movie interrupted by airline staff asking him to complete a survey and unleashed karma by submitting a “scathing” response mid-flight.

While catching a flight might sound like a fun getaway to some, the reality can often be uncomfortable, long, and boring. Luckily, many airlines offer a range of entertainment to help pass the time, from movies to music.

One airline, however, just found out that there is no point in offering a service if it cannot be enjoyed.

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TikToker Mads Waller, who goes by ‘goinggonemadd’ online, captured the moment a frustrated passenger got revenge on flight attendants interrupting his movie by submitting a “scathing” survey mid-flight.

Headed toward an unknown destination, Waller filmed an elderly man sitting one row in front of her on the plane. Typing something on the screen before him, a zoomed-in camera angle revealed the man was filling out an airline survey.

In it, he wrote, “You served vegetables that were frozen solid. You also interrupted my movie twice to ask me to take a survey.”

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Man leaves scathing airline surveyTikTok: goinggonemadd
The man did not hold back in calling out the airline for their “frozen solid” vegetables.

The video has since gone viral with over 2.5 million views and hundreds of comments applauding the man for his “quality” response.

“I stand with him. Don’t bother me and don’t feed me frozen [vegetables]. Ever,” one person said. Another commented, “Speak your truth king.”

Something tells us this airline might be a little more careful next time they ask someone to fill out their survey. Check out all the latest entertainment news on our page here.

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