Ninja’s famed ‘Pon Pon’ dance is now in Fortnite

The Tonight Show, YouTube / jespergran, YouTube

Popular Twitch streamer Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins’ famed ‘Pon Pon’ dance is finally in Fortnite, thanks to the efforts of one dedicated user in the game’s Creative mode.

A YouTuber by the name of ‘jespergran’ created a full-length rendition of Japanese artist Kyary Pamyu-Pamyu’s ‘Pon Pon’ song using Fortnite’s Creative music blocks, which they uploaded in a YouTube video on March 2.

The user dashed through the block course in an impressive four-minute-long run, complete with a pixelated rendition of Ninja’s adorable ‘Pon Pon’ Twitch emote towering above.

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Ninja appeared to be awestruck by ‘jespergran’s’ efforts, retweeting the video with ample praise for the project.

“This is absolutely incredible,” Ninja wrote of the course. “Thank you for taking the time to make this, man.”

Ninja’s ‘Pon Pon’ dance became famous in the early days of the streamer’s jump into the battle royale genre, during which he would perform the dance in an effort to break up the monotony of H1Z1 games.

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“I was like, I gotta do something after I win these games, I’ve gotta do some sort of celebration,” Ninja said of the dance. “Some sort of dance where I can just hop into the next game.”

Ninja went on to use the dance as a celebration upon his first win of the day, which soon grew in popularity.

Ninja even ended up teaching Tonight Show host Jimmy Fallon how to properly bust the moves on live TV, just ahead of his massive, 2019 New Year’s Eve event in Times Square.

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