Ninja slams “tone deaf” Twitch over new multi-streaming rules

Ninja twitchTwitch: Ninja

Internet star Ninja has slammed Twitch’s TOS update banning non-affiliates from multi-streaming on “Twitch-like” platforms, calling them tone-deaf in the process.

Back in September 2022, Internet star Ninja revealed that instead of renewing his partnership with Twitch, he was going to stream everywhere.

He’s been doing so nearly every day since, although a recent change to Twitch’s TOS banning multi-streaming has forced the creator to leave the purple app off his list of sites.

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During his stream on June 7, Ninja slammed the platform’s new rules, calling them tone-deaf in the process.

Ninja slams “tone deaf” Twitch policy

A viewer in Ninja’s chat asked about the recent TOS update to Twitch while streaming, prompting a response from the internet star.

“I can, I can talk about it. I can talk about literally anything I want forever. I don’t have a single contract signed with a streaming platform. I can talk infinite shit to Twitch if I wanted to. I’m not streaming there right now,” he said.

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“Because, to answer your question I’m not allowed to. I’m not allowed to multicast anymore to YouTube and Facebook while I’m streaming on Twitch at the same time even though I’m not a partner.”

“I’m not a partner, I’m not an affiliate, but the rules apply to me as well. Which is so tone deaf its crazy, man,” he added.

While the rules state that streamers cannot multi-stream between “Twitch-like” platforms, Ninja and others can still stream on Twitch and mobile apps like Instagram and TikTok Live.

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It’s unknown when or if Ninja will ever re-appear on his iconic Twitch channel now that the new rules are in place, so we’ll just have to wait to see.

In the meantime, head over to our entertainment section for more news and other viral stories.