Ninja hints at insane taxes he paid on reported $50 million Mixer deal

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Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins’ multi-million dollar contract with Mixer was definitely a nice chunk of change for the superstar streamer, and apparently Uncle Sam as well.

Ninja made headlines worldwide when he announced he was leaving Twitch to stream on Microsoft’s now-defunct site Mixer in August 2019 for an undisclosed amount.

He didn’t last quite a year on the site before it shut down for good in June of 2020, freeing him to stream on YouTube. According to various reports, he still allegedly made anywhere from $30-$50 million after leaving.

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Definitely a great payday but like the rest of us, Ninja still had to pay taxes on those fat stacks of Microsoft cash, and we might finally know about how much thanks to – strangely enough – U.S. President Donald Trump’s taxes trending on Twitter.

Replying to a lighthearted tweet from Twitch streamer Hasan Piker, Ninja said the claim he paid approximately 33,000 times more in taxes than the president reportedly did was “almost accurate.”

According to a report by the New York Times, Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes in 2016, and another $750 in 2017. Thanks to the power of math, we can get a decent estimation of how much in taxes Ninja paid on his Mixer money going from the response.

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If we do some quick maths and multiply $750 by 33,000 we get $24,750,000, which could be close to the ballpark for what the streamer paid in federal income tax on his reported $50 million.

Twitter: Ninja
Don’t worry, Ninja seems to be doing just fine and making plenty more taxable income streaming on YouTube.

Of course, there’s no way to know exactly how much Ninja paid unless he decides to reveal it, which doesn’t seem too likely unless he decides to run for some public office one day.

Setting aside thoughts of what it would be like to have Blevins as the U.S.A.’s first gamer president though, this just goes to show that taxes will always be one of the constants in life, even if you’re one of the world’s most famous streamers.

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