Ninja hilariously hits back at players trying to roast him

Ninja during Mixer press conference.Mixer / Ninja

Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins, Mixer star and Fortnite veteran, has hilariously hit back at players trying to roast him in a clip that has since gone viral on social media. 

Despite his unparalleled popularity, Ninja has had to deal with more than his fair share of negativity from the gaming community. It seems many are jealous of the success and wealth he has accumulated, but Blevins has now responded with a pretty incredible comeback.

On April 17, while streaming Valorant’s Beta alongside some of fellow streamers TimTheTatman and DrLupo, Ninja hit back at viewers in jaw-dropping fashion.

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Twitter: Ninja
Viewers still poke fun at Ninja’s move to Mixer, which happened in August 2019.

“Literally every game that I four-man or five-man with relevant people,” he said. “It’s just, within the first two rounds, an insult about Mixer to me, something about Fortnite ‘you’re trash’, or they plug their Twitch stream.”

He explained that the trash-talk continues throughout the game, with people targeting him with Fortnite “sh*t talking”.

“It’s like dude, I can literally purchase the bank that your house is being loaned out to,” he joked. “And f**king foreclose your house, and then you can’t talk sh*t to me because you won’t have internet!”

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As Blevins brilliantly hit back at those trying to roast him, long time friend and fellow streamer TimTheTatman could be heard in hysterics in the background.

With Dr Lupo asking if there’s a Dexerto article getting written up on it – (yes there is, Ben) – Tim shared his shock at just how deep Ninja went.

“I don’t know, maybe,” Tim replied, still laughing. “I gotta be honest bro, I was like ‘I wonder where he’s going with this’ and then you went way above where I thought you were gonna go. I knew you were gonna roast, but I didn’t know you were gonna like… roast.”

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The clip quickly went viral on Twitter, with fans applauding Ninja for his incredible, although brutal, comeback.

While not to be taken too seriously, Ninja’s comments highlight the incredible success he has accumulated off the back of playing video games, and that he’s not afraid to hit back if he feels people are overstepping the mark.

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