Ninja explains why streaming 8 hours a day can be “miserable” after Tfue quits

ninja streamingNinja/Twitch

Ninja responded to Tfue’s decision to go on an indefinite hiatus from streaming by revealing his own struggles being a content creator.

On June 20, prominent Fortnite creator Turner ‘Tfue’ Tenney announced he would be going on a long break from streaming, tearfully admitting in a YouTube video that he felt “trapped” in front of a screen.

Tfue’s decision to go on a hiatus resonated with many in the streaming community with Twitch legend Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins weighing in on the situation with a special message to his fellow Fortnite cohort.

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In a TikTok clip where Ninja watched Tfue’s “goodbye” video, the former Halo pro sympathized and noted how streaming eight hours a day when you don’t want to can feel “f**king impossible.”

Ninja reveals why streaming can be so hard for some creators

The streaming sensation compared going live for eight hours to working a 9-5 job, adding that those who have streamed eight hours a day for a year straight can relate to what Tfue went through.

“If you haven’t streamed and haven’t had to put on a show and be entertaining and be invested… when you really don’t want to be there. Imagine you just don’t want to be there. You don’t want to be doing what you’re doing,” Blevins began.

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“There are probably hundreds of thousands of people who don’t want to work where they work and they work 9-5 and it’s just miserable the whole time,” he said, comparing it to streaming. “If you don’t want to do it, it’s tough. It’s hard.”

However, Ninja went on to state that, just like with regular non-streaming jobs, you have to do it and it can take a toll.

Ninja also added a special message to Tfue in the TikTok’s caption writing: “Hope you see this Turner, love you bro and I know you are going to enjoy your time off. I’ll be missing my Fortnite rival. Won’t be the same.”

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We’ll have to see what the future holds for Tfue as he becomes just the latest influencer to exit content creation to focus on other things in life, following in the footsteps of names before him such as Jenna Marbles.