Ninja apologizes to Alinity after Twitch star breaks down on stream

Ninja photoshoot / Alinity livestreaming on TwitchYouTube: Ninja / Twitch: Alinity

[jwplayer eY2cfMzw]Tyler ‘Ninja’ Blevins has come forward with an apology just days after a heated back and forth exchange with Twitch streamer Natalia ‘Alinity’ Mogollon.

Alinity was caught in the crossfire during a July 1 Twitter beef between Ninja and fellow content creator Felix ‘xQc’ Lengyel. While the two argued, she inserted herself into the drama with a joke. It wasn’t long before Ninja unloaded and took his frustrations out on a shocked Alinity.

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Days later, the Twitch streamer booted her stream back up for a much shorter broadcast than usual. While she’s often playing games or kicking back with her viewers for hours on end, her July 3 stream lasted just 50 minutes.

Following the recent passing of fellow streamer Byron ‘Reckful’ Bernstein, she addressed how great an impact online bullying can truly have: “You guys can’t just send hoards of hate towards somebody without it having an effect on a person.”

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Shortly after this emotional stream, a few key figures in the gaming community took the time to apologize, including Ninja.

Esports insider Rod ‘Slasher’ Breslau was among the first to publicly apologize after Alinity’s stream. “I have deleted my recent Alinity tweet as it contributes to a culture of online bullying and toxicity,” he said. “I’m sorry.”

Moments later, Ninja chimed in with a similar sentiment. He expressed regret over his comments in the Twitter thread days prior: “I kept looking back at the tweet and saying I wouldn’t have sent that if I wasn’t a little tilted. I apologize as well.”

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With millions of fans across all forms of social media, Ninja has one of the biggest followings in the gaming industry. Publicly issuing an apology certainly carries a weight to it, one that others may be able to learn from and build off of.

Letting cooler heads prevail, Alinity also took a moment to respond too. Sharing a similar regret for her rebuttal against Ninja earlier this week, she apologized for calling the former Mixer star “toxic,” and revealed she had also deleted her tweet.

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Alinity’s latest broadcast hit a nerve within the streaming community as a whole. She explained how hurtful comments online can have a lasting impact with truly negative ramifications. 

Therefore, some of the biggest figures in the industry taking responsibility and apologizing for their actions can hopefully inspire others in their behavior online.