NICKMERCS slams Artesian Builds after snubbing Twitch streamer in PC giveaway

NICKMERCS looking to the left side of the screenTwitch: NICKMERCS

Nick ‘NICKMERCS’ Kolcheff has responded to the public outcry about the fallout from an Artesian Builds PC giveaway. Currently partnered with the popular builder, Nick and his team are evaluating their relationship following the controversy.

Artesian Builds, a popular PC building group, was criticized on March 1 after snubbing Twitch streamer ‘kiapiaa’ of a giveaway victory.

The company’s CEO, Noah Katz, talked down to kiapiaa claiming they weren’t deserving of the giveaway PC due to their lower-than-expected Twitch numbers.

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The outburst hasn’t sat well with NICKMERCS though, who is partnered with the PC builders.

Chucking his opinion into the public ring he said onstream: “Point blank, without beating around the bush, what the homie said on that stream and the way that he said it was very weird.”

Nick did agree with the general idea that something was wrong with the actions of Artesian.

“I don’t think anyone is going to watch that and think anything good of it. I don’t like it,” he said.

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Despite stating that the actions of the company come across badly to anyone viewing, NICKMERCS remains partnered with Artesian Builds while talking about the dangers of companies being “buried’ in situations like this.

Whether the relationship between the streamer and PC seller will last remains to be seen, with Nick’s team declaring that they are “examining everything.”

Kolcheff was not the only streamer to speak out on the topic, with Australian streamer ‘Pestily’ immediately cutting ties with Artesian.

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Pestily’s reason for the distance from the company was “I believe in building an inclusive and supportive community, and don’t feel their recent actions reflect this.”

Artesian has apologized numerous times for the comments made, and offered to give kiapiaa the PC. She declined.