NFL fans run up massive beer tab until the New York Jets ruined everything

Jack's American Pub in WI offered free beer if the Jets lost.CBS58 News

A group of beer drinkers were left with a hefty bar tab when the New York Jets won against the Buffalo Bills in Aaron Rodgers’ debut game as a Jets player.

Aaron Rodgers left the Packers in 2022 after 18 seasons with the ‘cheese heads.’ He began playing in the NFL in 2005 and started as quarterback for the Packers for 15 of the 18 seasons he played for them.

Though he chose to leave his longtime NFL team for the Jets, as he felt his time with the Packers was up, Rodgers still has quite the following.

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So when he made his debut with the New York Jets on Sunday, September 11, a Wisconsin bar called ‘Jack’s American Pub’ made a deal with their bargoers that if Rodgers and the Jets lost, all their beer would be free. However, if they won — their bar tab would need to be paid in full.

'Jack's American Pub' in Wisconsin, where Aaron Rodgers used to play, offered free beer to everyone at their bar if the New York Jets lost to the Buffalo Bills.CBS58 News
‘Jack’s American Pub’ in Wisconsin, where Aaron Rodgers used to play, offered free beer to everyone at their bar if the New York Jets lost to the Buffalo Bills.

Wisconsin bar to offer free tab deal for another 12 games

When a sports bar offers free beer, all bets are off in weighing your odds against the deal that would either make you win or lose said free beer — especially on game night.

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So when ‘Jack’s American Pub’ in Wisconsin, where Rodgers previously played for 18 seasons, offered free beer to the bargoers if he and the Jets lost, tabs started to add up. Especially after Rodgers was taken out of the game after the first quarter, as fans assumed the Jets wouldn’t do well after that. 

However, when the game ended, there was a tie — so overtime proceeded. Though bargoers may have thought they had the game rounded out, the Jets ended up winning in OT with a score of 22-16.

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So what did that mean for the people at ‘Jack’s American Pub?’ Well, let’s just say, their pockets may have ended up empty, as the deal stated that only if the Jets lost, would the beer be free. So, fortunately for the bar, they ended up with a successful night for the front of the house. 

However, for bargoers who ran up their tab, thinking that the Jets would lose without Rodgers, their story ended a little differently.

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Though the deal made by ‘Jack’s American Pub’ may have seemed simple, there were two conditions — one being that Rodgers had to start the game, and second, the Jets and Packers couldn’t be playing at the same time.  

Luckily for those who found fun participating in the football bout, they’ll have 12 more Jets games to potentially win free beer, as ‘Jack’s American Pub’ will be offering the same deal as the NFL season continues. 

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As for Rodgers and the Jets, they are set to face off against the Cowboys this Sunday, September 17.