Netflix live streaming plans: Everything we know so far

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Netflix has been making plans to expand outside of streaming movies/tv-shows and their latest effort involves plans to introduce live streaming to their brand.

The current age of content has steadily evolved over the past 10 years, with streaming growing each year. More companies have entered the content wars as original content has become the main selling point for consumers looking to sign up for new streaming services.

With Netflix being one of the OGs of the streaming game, they have been looking to expand their brand to stand out amongst their competitors, dabbling in video games along the way.

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Now, the streaming giant has announced they plan to dip their hands in live streaming next.

Netflix is looking to get an edge on its competitors with video games and live-streaming.

Netflix live streaming details emerge

According to a story by Deadline, the streaming giant has entered into the early stages of crafting content for live streaming purposes.

Building off of their previous interactive specials, Deadline has presumed that Netflix will be looking to use a few of their most popular specials, like Selling Sunset and Netflix Is A Joke, to allow audiences at home to participate through live voting.

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With the added content, Netflix will be entering into untapped territory for streaming production companies.

As of May 17, 2022, it is unclear how this will be implemented exactly and when the Netflix live streaming will make its debut in living rooms across the globe.

Along with live streaming, Netflix has plans to enter the realm of video games and, in the aftermath of losing an unprecedented amount of users, will be introducing an ad-supported subscription tier by the end of 2022.

With all of these plans on the horizon, it’ll be interesting to see how different the streaming service will look after its ambitious efforts to expand its brand are in full effect.

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