NELK Boys flee Florida after “mobster” threatens to kill them

YouTube : NELK Boys

The NELK Boys have always been known for getting into a bit of trouble and causing a stir wherever they go, but they got more than they bargained for when a Florida “mobster” allegedly threatened to kill them while filming in the Sunshine State.

Around the time of June 26, NELK and some of the main members, such as Kyle Forgeard and Steve ‘SteveWillDoIt’ Deleonardis, were posting on social media that they have had to quickly leave the Florida area in which they were filming.

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Though they said they had been threatened by other people there, it’s never quite clear what is going on with NELK, especially as their stunts get ever more expansive and in-depth.

nelk boys champagne bottlesInstagram: nelkboys
The NELK Boys’ wild lifestyle occasionally lands them in hot water.

That said, a June 27 NELK Boys YouTube upload details exactly what went down – and it’s far more sinister than we could have ever imagined.

To say that they were threatened is an understatement, as Kyle explains the story of how an alleged “mobster” made very clear his intentions: which could have had serious repercussions on the YouTube pranksters.

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After advertising their new Full Send merch drop, Kyle shared a video that explained everything that happened.

“We were basically threatened to be killed, our whole team of 18 people, by this apparent mobster in the quays,” he said. “Basically, we were filming a prank like we do every Monday at this resort we were staying at, and this whole time there was this drunk-a*s-Karen-old-lady-b**ch just yapping, ‘why are you filming me?’

“Then she tells this couple, ‘These guys are filming your daughters,’ so this couple comes and asks ‘Are you filming our 14- and 15-year-old daughters?’ Then, another guy comes up to us and listed off all our room numbers and showed our security guard photos in his camera roll of people with their throats slit, crowbars in their head…”

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Timestamp 3:43

Kyle explained that, after seeing those photos, they packed everything up and left immediately, but that they do have footage of some of the ordeal for their own safety, and they might share it later down the line.

Obviously, from what Kyle says, it seems this guy was the real deal, so it was smart not to take their chances with him – although it goes to show that NELK really do put their lives in their own hands with their pranks sometimes.

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