Mr Beast buys private island with $1 million in lottery tickets

Mr Beast YouTube

YouTube’s most celebrated spender Jimmy ‘Mr Beast’ Donaldson recruited the help of 10 people to scratch and scan through $1 million worth of lottery tickets, with a surprise twist to the day.

The YouTuber told his team that he wanted to see if the rewards from the mountains of lotto tickets would break even or exceed the amount of money that they spent on them in the first place.

The amount of tickets was ludicrous; there were so many that a garbage truck was commissioned to transfer all of the tickets so they could start rifling through them.

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With his team each set up with ever-flowing stacks of tickets, they started to chip away at the thousands of pages filled with potential winnings that could have reached anywhere above $10,000,000.

Mr Beast YouTube
The YouTuber had a big operation to sift through $1 million in lottery tickets.

As the collective of excited scanners set off, Mr Beast told them that if they did manage to eclipse $10 million that everyone would get 10 percent of the earnings.

Progressing through the first $20,900 of the pile, their tracker indicated they had only earned $13,707 of their original money back. Though this isn’t a disparity the YouTuber is sweating, the experiment was slowly starting to show a trend.

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After going over $300,00 of lottery tickets, the group only made around $224,000, so the ruse was keeping up as Mr Beast was plotting something behind closed doors.

Essentially, the money he is getting from the lottery stubs is funding an island that his crew are going to be fighting over. The ambitious YouTuber revealed that he’s going to stage a ‘Survivor’-type of event featuring his team of 10 helpers as contestants vying for the island.

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With the amount of money they were able to collect, he is making the $700,000 island the grand prize for the sudden competition.

Mr Beast has been on sort of a YouTube hiatus working on the “biggest stuff I’ve ever done” and the results are now starting to show.

He’s in the middle of what will be a three-part series, with the next videos showing off the event and ultimately the winner of the island.

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