Mom splits the internet after crying over cockroach in McDonald’s Happy Meal

Cockroach on mcdonalds napkin next to store logoTikTok: hopelife525/Unsplash

A mom has gone viral after she made a TikTok claiming to have found a cockroach under her daughter’s McDonald’s Happy Meal and then confronted staff over it. Though, the whole thing has got viewers split. 

Whenever you go out food – be it at a nice restaurant or something more akin to fast food – you expect it to be solid. You don’t want a mistake ruining your day, especially if you’ve waited a while to satisfy your hunger. 

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Well, in the case of TikToker Hopelife525, she’s gone viral over the past few days due to an incident with a Happy Meal at McDonald’s that left her and her daughter pretty unhappy after they found a cockroach in there. 

After making the discovery, the TikToker marched back into the store and urged other customers to “not eat here” and showed them the bug. 

Mom “scared” after finding roach in daughter’s Happy Meal

From there, she demanded to speak to staff and show them the creepy-crawly, furious that her daughter had to see it. “I’m shaking. I’m so scared,” she told some of the staff, tearing up. The TikToker ultimately asked for and received a refund. 

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Plenty of users were, naturally, on her side about the whole thing, saying they’d do similar in her situation. “That’s crazy I’m so sorry y’all had to go through that,” said one. 

“These comments r so euh like if I saw a roach in my food I’d be mad too,” replied another. “Roaches can have soo many diseases, I’d be pissed. Y’all are trippin,” another commented. 

However, there were a number who disagreed with her actions. “Girl calm the f*ck down no one is gonna die,” said one. “I feel like she way overreacted. I would be pissed but she’s so scared of WHAT?,” argued another. “Girl stop with the theatrics. Every restaurant has roaches.”

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The TikToker did make an update to wrap up things, stating she was hoping to shine a light on the sanitary issue but was surprised by some of the backlash. 

“I was just so scared my daughter could have ate a bug, a spider, whatever. Regardless, it’s a restaurant and they are under inspection to be sanitary,” she added.