Mizkif slams new NFT site selling streamers’ Twitch clips: “You son of a b***h”


Mizkif and his attorney have absolutely slammed the owner of an NFT site selling Twitch clips for Crypto without any apparent permission from the streamers themselves.

Mizkif was immediately intrigued after his chat told him about a site selling Twitch clips as NFTs during a stream on August 31. But, when he went to MyClips.tv, he wasn’t exactly thrilled to discover some of his clips were featured front and center.

“Are you being f**cking serious, my clips, my money, me? That’s my money I could be making,” Miz said just as he pulled up the front page. “Oh, you son of a b***h, ohhh you son of a b***h, oh you son of a b***h.

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“Bro! Someone paid 700$ for this!?”

We’ll say right now, Mizkif’s entire VOD of this saga is well worth watching if you have the time. After discovering the site and looking through what’s on offer, Miz manages to get into contact with one of the site’s owners, Kevin Pan, first on Twitter DM, then on voice chat.

During the twitter DM conversation (at 1:17:00) in the VOD, the owner tells Mizkif that only streamers who have “whitelisted” can have their clips sold on the site.

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“But I never whitelisted anything, and I’d LOVE to know how Reckful did,” he DM’d the site’s owner. “And that one I really am interested in, how did Reckful whitelist his own clips?”

“Reckful didn’t those clips are from API, those were not whitelisted,” Pan replied. “None of the clips on the site are actually whitelisted. I just bought some clips myself, and gave eth (etherium) to streamers along the way.”

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This wasn’t flying at all with Mizkif, so he got Pan into a voice call with several other streamers, and his attorney.

Turns out, his lawyer wasn’t thrilled with what they were seeing either.

“Hey hey, so I’m an attorney for Miz and others, but I was also Byron’s (Reckful), I have a very deep understanding of the NFT space, I have a very deep understanding of copyright law,” Miz’s lawyer said while introducing himself. “Everything you’re saying is not accurate.”

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They went on to say that while NFTs might change the way some things work, they don’t change copyright law, and that MyClips.tv could be in serious trouble.

“There’s years and hundreds of years of basic copyright law here. NFTs have changed a lot of ways technology works, a lot of the ways you can track these things, doesn’t change basic copyright law,” Miz’s lawyer continued.

“What you’re doing here is so not okay.”

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MyClips.tv is hosting hundreds of Twitch clips for sale on the website at the moment.Screenshot: MyClips.tv
MyClips.tv is hosting hundreds of Twitch clips for sale on the website at the moment.

So, will Mizkif be taking legal action against MyClips.tv?

Turns out, not exactly; later on in the stream Pan, after talking to the attorney for awhile, agreed that taking down the site and putting the project on hold, for the time being, might be the best option.

To Pan’s credit, at the time of publishing MyClips.tv no longer offers the option to buy or sell any Twitch clips as NFTs.

We could see the site come back sometime with streamers who actually choose to upload and sell their own content, like Miz and his lawyer suggested, but only time will tell.

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