Mini Ladd posts long-awaited apology for innapropriate messages to young fans

MiniLadd apologizing on YouTubeYouTube: MiniLadd

YouTuber Craig ‘Mini Ladd’ Thompson has apologized for his actions after a year full of allegations made against him, including accusations that he sent inappropriate messages to children.

In June 2020, two women came forward with accusations that Mini Ladd had messaged them inappropriately when they were aged 16 and 17 respectively.

One of the women, named Halley, claimed Thompson would use his popularity and power over young fans to solicit nude pictures, and engage in inappropriate conversations.

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Mini Ladd first apologized in September, addressing the accusations, admitting they were true and taking “full responsibility.”

mini ladd victim statementTwitLonger: WeirdGirl2364
Halley accused Mini Ladd of attempting to solicit pictures from her when she was a minor.

Mini Ladd offers full “transparency”

On December 28, Thompson uploaded another YouTube video on the situation, ‘My Apology’, where he shows more messages between himself and the women.

He claims that he had tried to take his own life at the start of 2017, and this had caused him to do erratic things as he “wanted to go down swinging.”

“To Halley and Ash, I’m sorry guys,” Thompson says in his apology video. “You were my friends, I failed you. I was only thinking of myself and I was being stupid. And I wish I could take it all back.”

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“I also wanted to add in here, that a lot of people think I haven’t apologized to these girls,” he explains, before confirming that he messaged the women privately to apologize, despite objections from his “PR team.” He shows a screenshot of the message sent, but blurs the content to keep it private.

“The reason why it’s taken me so long to make this video, is I was scared,” Thompson concludes. “That’s the reason I went back to Northern Ireland – not to ‘flee charges’ – but just to go back with my family.

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“I’ve been in therapy for the past six months, and as much as I know I’ve broke your guys’ trust, I don’t expect daffodils and rainbows after this, I want you guys to build up trust in me over time.”

After 12 hours of going live, the video has accumulated over 30,000 likes to 7,000 dislikes. While there is a mix of support and anger in comments, the video is possibly in response to “Mini Ladd Doesn’t Deserve A Second Chance” – uploaded by SoCloseToToast on December 18.

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The YouTuber explains why even despite admissions and apologies, Mini Ladd hasn’t done enough to warrant regaining anyone’s trust. Whether his latest apology and explanation is enough to satisfy fans remains to be seen in 2021.

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