Mini Ladd defends himself as new allegations mount against him

Mini Ladd YouTubeYouTube: Mini Ladd

[jwplayer smynPnSq] YouTuber Craig ‘Mini Ladd’ Thompson has released a new video, defending himself against new allegations that have mounted against him.

In June 2020, the Irish YouTube star was forced to publicly apologize after a number of young fans stepped forward to detail the “unacceptable” messages he had sent them, taking “full responsibility” for his inappropriate behavior.

After several weeks of minimal interaction online, with only one or two tweets and updates here and there, Thompson has released a video “clearing the air” on the issue — and addressing new allegations that have been made against him.

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On August 29, a Twitter user going by the name of Miles published a thread of tweets detailing her experience as a 13-year-old girl at Camp17, a ‘gamer camp’ set up by Thompson and other creators. In the thread, she says he would, among other things, “take advantage of the girls at the camp,” calling them cute or pretty and sitting “uncomfortably close” to them.

Several days later, Mini Ladd has now posted a response addressing the accusation after the thread picked up steam, denying the allegations.

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In the video, Craig addresses the accusations point-by-point. Starting with the photo of himself and the two other YouTubers holding the girl up, she claims that he asked to lift her, but he says the exact opposite: she asked them to lift her.

He also adds that “at no point were any of us unmonitored,” and accusations that he called them cute or pretty are “completely fabricated and untrue.”

Timestamp 2:27

At the end of the video, Thompson says that “I wanted to address the new stuff coming out and stick up for myself by telling the truth,” a definitive statement on where he stands on the matter.

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He also takes the opportunity to make a promise to his fans: “I will be better” he says. “I will continue to use my platform for good. I want this channel to be somewhere that people can come in and feel welcomed and leave with a smile on their face. That’s all that I want.”

Mini Ladd currently has 5.58m subscribers on YouTube at the time of writing; down around 160,000 from when the accusations were first made against him back in June.

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