Men save security guard from attack as riverboat ride becomes chaotic brawl

men brawl on riverboat after jumping security guardTikTok/Twitter

A group of men had to swim their way into combat to help a security guard in a 4-on-1 fight after he was jumped when a riverboat ride became violent.

It’s not often that you see strangers intervene when there’s a wild brawl happening, but that’s precisely what happened in Alabama when four white men began to beat up a black security guard.

According to TMZ, on Saturday August 5 at Riverfront Park, locals complained that a riverboat could not pull in because a smaller boat blocked the space. When a security guard tried to rectify the situation, all hell broke loose.

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In a video uploaded documenting the events, once the guard tried to get the people to move, he was jumped, but luckily for him, others decided to swim over and provided some much-needed backup.

Riverboat ride becomes massive brawl after men attack security guard

Slowly, but surely, reinforcements came to the guard’s aid and evened the numbers, leading the original attackers to retreat.

This time, staffers from the riverboat apparently saw what went down and decided to get involved, taking the fight to the men’s own turf, throwing one off the boat and firing punches at his face.

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The scene became bedlam with over ten people getting involved, men being tossed into the water and the men who started the fight by attacking the security guard now severely outnumbered.

At one point, the melee even turned into a WWE match as one of the men got hit in the head with a folded-up chair.

In the end, the police showed up and started handcuffing some of the individuals. However, Montgomery’s mayor, Steven Reed has promised there will be consequences for those who began the fight.

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“The Montgomery Police Department acted swiftly to detain several reckless individuals for attacking a man who was doing his job,” he said. “Warrants are being signed and justice will be served.”

As crazy as this brawl was, this is hardly the first time that a security guard has gotten physical with a group. In another instance, a security guard dubbed a “real-life Terminator” took on multiple people at once and decisively won.