Man regrets his life decisions after promising to eat 100,000 slices of cheese

Man regrets his life decisions after promising to eat 100k slices of cheeseTikTok: cheeze_louise__

A man promising to eat one slice of cheese for every follower has been left regretting his life choices after his account went viral.

With the rise of TikTok, users have continued to find new and unique ways to help their accounts gain traction and followers.

One man, however, may have bitten off more than he can chew after dedicating his account to eating as many slices of cheese as he has followers.

Going by ‘cheeze_louise__‘ on the popular social media platform, he was left ‘debating’ his life choices after the second day saw him consume 24 slices of cheese. Now that day three is rolling around, his following has spiked to nearly 75,000.

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Day one saw Cheeze Louise start with eight slices for eight followers, asking those keeping up with his journey to offer suggestions on what types of cheese he should include next.

By day two, Cheeze Louise’s follower count had tripled, forcing him to include two varieties of cheese to make up the number of slices — though this already began to highlight the challenge’s difficulty.

“I actually had to switch from the Kraft Singles to Sergento thin slices because I ran out of the delicious Kraft Singles,” Cheeze Louise said. “And I tell you, I have a preference and it is not Sergento. Zero out of 10 — horrible cheeses.”

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At one point Cheeze Louise admitted the challenge was already “really taking a toll on [his] body,” though he promised to press on until reaching his goal. He didn’t expect his video to go viral, resulting in tens of thousands of new followers overnight.

Taking to TikTok on day three, Cheeze Louise admitted he wasn’t too sure how to tackle the insane number of cheese slices owed to his followers; “What am I supposed to do now? You guys just want to watch me bloody kill over and die?”

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“If it were within the realm of possibility to eat [75,000] slices of cheese… I would do it for you guys. But it’s impossible,” he continued. Instead, he asked his followers for suggestions on how to tackle the immense task; “Top comment. I’ll do it within reason — I don’t wanna die. I don’t want to destroy my guts, my inners.”

So far, one of the top suggestions includes eating a piece of shredded cheese for each follower; “Definitely the shredded cheese thing, the idea of [75,000] shredded cheese pieces is funny to me for some reason.”

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Another suggested, “I vote to set up a cheese debt and work your way through it for months/years to come… Could be fun to try different recipes with various cheeses along the way.”