Man goes viral after getting stuck in water slide and terrifying everyone on TikTok

Man in water slide getting stuck around waterTikTok: jamii.talib

A man has gone viral on TikTok after getting ‘stuck’ on a water slide, and it has left plenty of viewers absolutely terrified by the idea of it happening to them.

Over the past few years, all different types of content has gone viral on TikTok. Some are pretty wholesome, others are rather surprising – like finding out you got fired while making a meme – and others are just downright terrifying. 

The latter of which usually revolves around spooky goings on. There have been plenty of TikTokers convinced they’ve had an interaction with a UFO or even a group of ghosts.

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However, the newest, scary clip to go viral doesn’t have any demonic help. Instead, it’s just unlocked an absolutely terrifying fear for anyone who is a bit claustrophobic and hates tight spaces. 

TikToker goes viral after getting stuck on water slide in Malaysia

TikToker jamii.talib has racked up over 44 million views with his recent clip, as he got stuck on a water slide in Malaysia. 

That’s right, the TikToker was a few seconds into a ride on a drop slide when he came to a complete stop and spun around. He had to turn himself around to get going again, however, he stopped again a few seconds later. 

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Jamii eventually found an escape hatch to get off the slide and was greeted by a lifeguard who informed him that he’d also lost part of his camera. However, despite getting out, the constant stopping and starting inside the tube had terrified enough viewers.

“My claustrophobia can’t deal with this,” said one. “I panicked and it wasn’t even me stuck!” added another. “Literally been a nightmare forever and had no idea what they did to get someone out till now,” another commented.  “I would’ve started panicking and crying.”

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It all ended alright for the TikToker, who managed to get a proper run on the slide shortly after his nightmarish trip. Though, it’s clearly left a mark on others.