Logan Paul freaks out fans with gruesome injury after throwing a plate

Logan Paul smiles with a bandaid on his nose, side-by-side with a photo of a broken television screen.Instagram: Logan Paul

[jwplayer mgzBNoPb]YouTube star and Maverick Club founder Logan Paul is no stranger to pulling off insane stunts and potentially life-threatning feats of athleticism — but no one was prepared for the shocking photo he shared when one of his antics went south.

Although he’s taken his talents to the boxing ring in the past, Logan Paul is best known for his high-energy YouTube vlogs, where he engages in what can only be described as risky behavior, such as bungee jumping from his living room ceiling to building and rolling offroad vehicles.

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Despite his crazy (yet humorous) antics, Logan Paul has mostly come out of these incidents unscathed (with the exception of the possible hole in his brain from an accident in his youth) — until now.

In many of his vlogs, Logan can be seen throwing dishware, often breaking it into a million tiny pieces that he then cleans up with the help of his housemates.

Logan Paul secures a bungee cord to a beam on his ceiling - just before he accidentally took out a lamp.YouTube: Logan Paul
Logan Paul secures a bungee cord to a beam on his ceiling – just before he accidentally took out a lamp.

His destructive nature aside, no one has suffered a cut from a shard of glass or porcelain from his plate-tossing — that is, until Paul uploaded a photo to the contrary.

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On August 31, Paul posted a pic to Instagram that showed just how gory the aftermath of an attacking plate can be, showing his nose sliced open after apparently tossing a plate in the imPaulsive podcast studio.

“I’ve destroyed thousands of plates over the years,” Paul joked of the situation. “They finally struck back.”


That’s not all; Paul even showed that he had broken the television that is hung up on the wall, which now boasts a unique, spiderweb-shaped pattern.

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Luckily, Paul hasn’t suffered any extreme injuries, and is recovering just fine if the picture of a bandaid across his nose is any indication.

Logan later uploaded an episode of the imPaulsive podcast where the injury took place. As it so happens, Paul had actually flung the plate at the wall behind him in a rage after watching a U.S. presidential candidate giving a speech.

The shattered plate ricocheted off the wall and struck his nose, as well as damaging the television they were using to watch the speech.

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(Plate-shattering occurs at 4:23)

This isn’t the first time Paul has showed off a crazy wound to his fans, either; the star also posted a pic of his incredibly bruised hamstring in July 2019, after he pulled the muscle during his stint at his charity event “The Challenger Games.”


Let this be a lesson, kids; don’t try to emulate your favorite YouTubers on your own, lest you get a gnarly cut to show for it (although we have to admit, Logan will definitely have a cool scar as a result of his plate-throwing shenanigans).

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