‘Lazy girl job’ TikTok trend has Gen Z divided on work-life balance

lazy girl jobs trend on tiktokTikTok

Women on TikTok have found a new trend as they share their experiences of working in a less demanding job that is well paid, but it has sparked a debate.

Work-life balance is more than just a catchphrase as individuals struggle to achieve this while accomplishing their goals. However, Gen Z is striving to find ways to make life easier and have a ‘healthier’ work-life balance.

Some TikTok users love the latest trend on the platform of “Lazy Girl Jobs” and have been sharing their experiences of doing it and being paid well. The movement has taken over the app as some argue that this is an effective way to strike a balance.

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‘Lazy girl jobs’ are essentially low-stress jobs that don’t require much effort, but still offer a proper salary.

TikToker Gabrielle Judge is often credited with starting the trend, after she shared a video to give career advice, explaining how someone could get good pay at jobs without working much.

“I’m a big fan of ‘lazy girl jobs’. There’s a lot of jobs out there where you could make $60,000 to $80,000, so pretty comfortable salaries, and not do that much work,” Judge said.

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Judge explained that she added the word ‘lazy’ because these job offers “should feel like as if you are almost operating at a lazy state when compared to the American Hustle culture”.

Other users are now going viral for sharing their own “lazy jobs”. One said she makes a “bomb salary” at her lazy girl job. “I get paid a bomb salary to talk to no one, take breaks whenever I want, and be an office baddie,” she wrote.

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A TikToker revealed that her job had her sitting at a desk from 9 to 4, sending invoices in her own time as she enjoys Netflix and TikTok while getting decent pay. Another shared that she earns a good salary while she “copy and pastes” at her job and takes five calls a day.

For more on trends check out our full TikTok coverage here.