Lawyer stunned by Kohl’s shopper’s outrageous demand after worker saves her from choking

Lawyer stunned by Kohl's shopper's outrageous demand after worker saves her from chokingTikTok: rebmasel

A lawyer has been left stunned by a Kohl’s shopper’s outrageous demand after an employee saved her from choking using the Heimlich maneuver.

Being equipped with the basics of first aid is a skillset that may just one day help you save someone’s life… or in the case of this Kohl’s worker, get you sued.

Reb, a lawyer who goes by ‘rebmasel‘ online, took to TikTok to recount how she ended up late to a work meeting after encountering an unusual scenario while browsing Kohl’s.

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To Reb’s surprise, she discovered a woman on the floor demanding help to sue an employee who had used the Heimlich maneuver after she’d allegedly choked.

“I have a meeting in an office and it’s like a 30-foot walk away from a Kohl’s,” Reb began, explaining she headed to the store in hopes of killing some time beforehand in an airconditioned space. “10 minutes before this meeting I have to be at and I hear the words that I don’t think anyone has ever said in their entire life in an emergency situation. Which were, ‘Is there a lawyer here?‘”

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Taken by surprise, Reb answered the call and was led to a small crowd of people gathered around a woman splayed out on the floor. Conscious, breathing hard, and “Looking very upset, very angry,” the woman seemed not in any danger, leaving Reb confused as to why she had been summoned.

“So I, okay, get on my knees in this dress, suit pants situation in the middle of a Kohle’s… And I say, ‘Hey, babes? hey, I’m a lawyer. What did you need? What did you need down there?” she continued. “And she said, ‘Hey, I was just Heimliched by that worker over there ’cause I was choking on something, but I wasn’t actually choking and he put his hands on me.”

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“I look at the guy over there and it was the worker at Kohl’s; David, his name tag. And he’s looking at me like this, like, ‘My bad’,” Reb said. “He’s like a teeny bopper… Okay, maybe 18, 19 years old. And I’m thinking, ‘Oh god.'”

Stunned, Reb was left diffusing the unexpected “lawyer emergency situation with Heimlich involved” before her meeting. Viewers banded behind the Kohl’s employee, demanding “justice for David” with one person commenting, “I’d rather be David’s lawyer.”

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