Twitch streamer brings anime body pillow “boyfriend” on hilarious coffee date

IRL Twitch streamer Yugwha entertained her stream by taking her body pillow ‘boyfriend’ to a cafe where things went from strange to bizarrely entertaining.

After doing a dance outside of a cafe while wearing a Overwatch hoodie, the streamer headed inside where her anime body pillow ‘boyfriend’ was waiting for her. 

Once she sat down, the broadcaster grabbed the pillow and told it to take a seat on a chair next to her while placing it in position.

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“It’s my boyfriend,” Yugwha explained. “He’s really strong. He has two powers. Usually, a hero has only one power, right? But he has eyes and fire power. That’s why I like him. Half and half. PogChamp.”

However, despite having some sort of ‘fire power’, Yugwha went on to say that he dislikes hot things such as coffee. “He likes ice coffee, icecream, and something really icy.”

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While it’s unclear if the streamer was making up a backstory on the fly or had her body pillow boyfriend’s plot figured out previously, she continued to explain his history. According to Yugwha, the pillow’s father “is an a**hole” who traumatized him, turning him off hot things… for some reason.

Eventually, she decided her pillow was thirsty and started pouring ice coffee “down its mouth” causing a stain.

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“He’s thirsty too,” she insisted and joked that her pillow could feel thirst. “I’m not a weeb, chat. This is more than life.” 

Eventually, the streamer threw her trash away and walked with her body pillow boyfriend out of the cafe, surprisingly leaving the table she was sitting at relatively clean despite the mess she appeared to make earlier.

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Yugwha’s Twitch journey began in July of 2018 according to the third-party site TwitchMetrics and is the 42nd most-watched Just Chatting stream.

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Thus far, the streamer has just over 34,000 followers. That number could very well sky-rocket if her body pillow boyfriend adventures continue to be so entertaining.