Kicked FaZe Clan members react to sudden exit as org “reboots”

Kalei and FaZe Banks.Kalei / FaZe Banks

Former FaZe Clan members have been responding to the news of their exit, ranging from confusion to anger to heartfelt goodbyes. We’ve rounded up all the reactions here.

On April 28, FaZe Clan’s social media accounts came back to life, announcing a “reboot.” Notably, this included cutting down the content creator roster to just 14 members.

As a result, many famous names, some of whom had been associated with the organization for years, were suddenly no longer members.

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Here is a full list of all the removed content creators, and how they reacted.


He responded to the news with a YouTube video, thanking fans and FaZe for the memories and revealing he had been made aware of the news two months prior.

Banks posted on X and called Blaze a “f**king class act” following the video, wishing him “all the success in the world” and stating the OG FaZe member had “summed everything up as perfect [and] honest as anybody could.”

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Nate Hill

Nate Hill wrote in length on X after being cut from FaZe, “I’m beyond grateful for everything they’ve done for me and proud of everything I’ve done to help the team. From commercials, modeling merch drops, interviews with the biggest movie stars on the planet, leading [collaborations] with countless brands like Porsche and Man City. And most importantly competing and performing in some of the biggest eSports events of all time.”

“I’m disappointed in how it’s ending. Through our collaboration over the last 6 years, I would have hoped for more than a last-minute phone call before a post was made, but that’s life,” he continued. “One door closes and another opens.”

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Kalei teared up speaking about her removal from the organization on stream, claiming she hadn’t made any money from her time with FaZe and expressing that she wasn’t happy with how things had turned out.

“Just short of 10 years, my journey with FaZe has come to an end. It’s been a hell of a ride and I couldn’t be happier with who I’ve become,” Dirty announced after getting booted, stating he hoped the brand “lives forever” and addressing his removal on YouTube.

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Booya wrote on X; “Appreciate the opportunity FaZe gave me to represent them these last 3 years. Wouldn’t trade the memories or friendships for anything. Nothing but love and good things to say from my side.”


“I can’t speak for others, but all I can say on my end is that I tried my best over these years to uphold FaZe’s roots the best I could,” Kitty shared. “It was a fun 10 years & I wish them the best with this reboot. Give them a chance & see where it goes.”

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JSmooth thanked FaZe for his time in the clan, writing, “Unfortunately I did not make the cut. I just want to say I’m extremely blessed to be a part of the best org in the world for 3 years! Created so many memories and friendships. Thank you to FaZe for taking a chance on me. To be a black creator in FaZe is a blessing. Thankful.”


After five years, H1ghSKy1 also didn’t make the cut, announcing, “The last 5 years of my life growing up with the Faze fam were some of the best times of my life, and I am beyond thankful to have had an opportunity to be with them. Thank you to all the people who have been here supporting me through the years. I wish them all the best on whatever they choose to do next.”

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Linkzy wrote, “It’s been [an] absolute wild ride and I couldn’t be more thankful for the opportunities and memories. Not the end for me and I am excited to see what we can cook up in the future. Thanks Banks for taking a chance on me in 2013.”


Fakie didn’t take the news as well as some other members cut from the group, claiming he had been assured he would always be part of FaZe.

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“Sh**s ridiculous at this point. I was literally told in 2018 that I will always be a FaZe member and in FaZe clan unless I did heroin or some crazy sh** on stream,” he said in response. “Like I said either you guys are fake as f**k or I’m in FaZe lol there’s not much wiggle room here.”


Bloo was more accepting, stating, “Countless memories over the last decade. so many clips, so many videos, and much more love than ever expected.”

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Agony expressed confusion over the news and shared that fans could expect an upcoming video about being cut; “Welp, after 10 years of being in FaZe, (even longer before that if you know)… We were kicked. Unfortunate timing cause I’m on vacation, but will make a video about it when I get home this week. Hopefully, [then] we’ll know why this happened lol.”


Sway also confirmed he had been cut, writing, “Yes I have officially been kicked from FaZe, I will forever be grateful for all the things FaZeClan has done for me and I know I wouldn’t be here today without them.”

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“Although I officially joined FaZe in 2022, I’ve been inspired by the brand and its values since I was 14. For me, FaZe wasn’t just a label next to my name, it literally shaped who I am today,” Proze said in response to being cut.

He continued, “Today, I must announce that my time as a FaZe Clan member has come to an end, and it feels bittersweet. This team has meant so much to me over the past decade, and I wish nothing but the best for everyone who remains part of it.”

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Nio shared, “Didn’t make the cut, it’s been an absolute honor to represent the org that every kid wanted to be in growing up. The last 3 years has been a blessing. Thank you to anyone & everyone who has supported me throughout this journey.”


Faxuty revealed he found out he had been cut through his chat, saying, “It sucks I found out through my chat and didn’t get a single call or even a text from anyone but it is what it is. I have been in FaZe since practically the start of my career and joining FaZe will always be a special moment for me and my community.”

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“The memories and people I have met through FaZe will never be forgotten. I grew up watching FaZe and was the biggest fan so this opportunity alone was a blessing & a dream come true,” he continued. “I wish nothing but the best for everyone & hope FaZe returns to what it once was. On to the next chapter.”


Cizzorz addressed being cut with a bizarre tweet that left fans scratching their heads, writing, “Kicked from FaZe. Breaking up with my girlfriend. New Deathrun today.”

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Banks words for FaZe’s former members were less warm than those he shared with Blaze, writing, “F*** em all… What does it say about how Blaze reacted vs how some of these random little clout-chasing rats are reacting? We didn’t even recruit you, some f****** weirdo did.”

He also revealed Rain had been offered a spot in the new FaZe Clan but had decided to ‘dip’ instead; “It’s all good, we’re [going to] fix this bitch up, homies welcome back anytime. He knows this.”

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FaZe has already started recruiting new members, starting with Max, with four in total expected.