KEEMSTAR defends Shane Dawson amidst controversy for ‘sociopath’ docuseries

Drama Alert host Daniel ‘KEEMSTAR’ Keem defended YouTuber Shane Dawson amidst criticism for his ongoing docuseries covering social media star Jake Paul.

The series’ second episode, ‘The Dark Side of Jake Paul,’ underwent intense scrutiny due to its handling of the term ‘sociopath.’

Many felt it had painted those with Antisocial Personality Disorder as frightful or monstrous, due to the video’s ‘horror-film esque’ editing.

KEEMSTAR took issue with the criticisms and posted a video to Twitter in defense of Dawson, whose intentions he felt audiences had completely misunderstood.

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“Did we watch the same documentary?” he asked. “Because Shane clearly says that when he was going to make this documentary… the thing he kept hearing was, ‘Jake Paul is a sociopath.’ So he went to go find out what exactly a sociopath is.”

He stated that Shane was making an attempt at preserving Paul’s dignity by calling attention to the fact that audiences were previously labeling him as such, and wanted to get to the bottom of the issue.

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“Shane is coming out of the gate saying, ‘People are calling him a sociopath and have been calling him a sociopath, so I am going to find out what a sociopath is,’” he continued.

KEEMSTAR’s latest comments on the series follow his callout of Logan Paul’s response video to the documentary, where KEEMSTAR noted that Paul did not defend his brother, but rather shifted the focus to himself, and explained the difference between ‘sociopaths’ and ‘psychopaths.’

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The series’ fourth episode is set to air on Wednesday, October 3, and will delve further into the Paul family’s inner dynamics.