Karl Jobst & Mutahar reveal The Completionist begged them not to expose him

The Completionist Begs Not to be ExposedYouTube: The Completionist

Karl Jobst and Mutahar’s investigation of The Completionist and his charity The Open Hand Foundation (OHF) has taken a shocking turn. Jobst posted audio of The Completionist begging the pair not to expose the situation.

On November 14, 2023, YouTubers Karl Jobst and SomeOrdinaryGamers’ Mutahar released a detailed investigation accusing The Completionist (Jirard Khalil) of withholding over $600,000 in charity donations. Things ramped up when subsequent allegations of charity fraud were leveled against Khalil and his charity, The Open Hand Foundation (OHF).

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After a period of silence, The Completionist responded by apologizing and announcing the withheld funds had been donated before threatening legal action against Jobst and Mutahar. In the wake of all this drama, The Completionist’s cameo in Sea of Stars has been removed and other content creators have disparaged his team.

Both Mutahar and Jobst also slammed The Completionist’s apologies and dared him to pursue legal action. Now we may have seen the reason for that confidence. An audio recording of The Completionist begging Jobst and Mutahar not to expose him has found its way to Twitter thanks to SolaceAndDread.

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Initially shared on Discord by Jobst, the recording is part of a call between The Completionist, Mutahar, and himself that took place as a means of clearing things up prior to the initial accusations. In the recording which multiple viewers referred to as “an admission of guilt”, The Completionist begs Mutahar and Jobst not to bring the allegations forward.

“The last thing I want to do is ruin the legacy of my family, of my mom, and her memory,” The Completionist explained before clarifying that he wasn’t attempting to bribe them. “I’m not trying to be like ‘do you guys want money to help me hide this?’ This is not that at all.”

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The Completionist brought up previous controversies he’d been involved in supporting JonTron and ProJared. He seemed to think that his previous “track record” would make these new allegations the final straw.

“Pulling one thread about the charity thing is going to upheave my entire life in a way that scares the living crap out of me,” he said. “I don’t want to go home tonight and tell everyone ‘hey, there’s a gigantic thing coming to claim my career and you all have to close down’.”

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In the recording, The Completionist was evidently concerned about the prospect of cancellation. His voice was shaky, his breathing was heavy, and he had a pretty clear vision of how he thought the situation would unravel.

“There’s no nuance to this,” he said. “People are gonna see this and they’re gonna immediately go ‘that Jirard guy who’s been nice to a bunch of people actually isn’t very nice overall. F**k him and let’s get rid of him’.”

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