Kanye slams Disney Star Wars films on Joe Rogan Experience

Kanye West new Disney Star Wars moviesJoe Rogan Experience/Disney

Kanye West’s interview on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast is definitely a marathon, but one of the most interesting stretches is the rapper’s opinion on Star Wars, and what Disney has done with the franchise.

On October 24, the highly anticipated JRE episode with the man known as Ye was released, despite fears earlier in the week that it would be canceled or delayed after a member of Rogan’s staff fell ill.

Yeezy talked at length about how he’s been “called to be the leader of the free world,” but he also brought up the Star Wars movies several times, and made it very clear he wasn’t a fan of the new Disney trilogy. 

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Timestamp at 1:14:45 for mobile viewers.

“This is one thing I will say, and this is about to make me mad right here, they said that George Lucas’s prequels are worse than the corporate-made Disney Star Wars,” West seethed. “Revenge of the Sith? We saw how Darth Vader was made! Like, I watched that ten times during Covid. ‘Don’t jump Anakin, I got the high ground!’”

Rogan, apparently a Star Wars purist in his own right as well, was definitely on board with what Kanye was laying down, “I’ll get mad at that too, that’s f**king ridiculous.”

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The original six movies were superior, Ye argued, because they were original ideas straight from the mind of George Lucas himself instead of people rehashing an old concept, which he explicitly criticized Disney and Pixar for doing quite often instead of taking a chance.

Kanye West in concertNRK P3/Flickr
West didn’t hold back letting Rogan know how he felt about the Disney Star Wars films.

“Every time there’s a new idea, they call it an unproven idea,” West said about Disney and Pixar. “So they’ll get to Toy Story 800,000 and Frozen Trillion before there’s a new concept and they take a chance.”

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Kanye’s passion for the sci-fi series might be surprising to some but he can definitely be considered a hardcore fan – to say the least.

Besides taking inspiration from the universe Lucas created for his clothing and architecture projects, he also met his wife Kim Kardashian West for one of the first times while shooting a Star Wars-themed skit with Jimmy Kimmel back in 2008.

This particular argument against the new Star Wars films is certainly not a new one, and Kanye will have no trouble finding those who agree with his take. But we wouldn’t count on this changing how Disney operates…even if it is coming from the future leader of the free world.

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