Kai Cenat carried small child to safety amid chaos in NYC giveaway

Kai Cenat carrying child NYC giveawayadom.opoku | Instagram

Footage from Kai Cenat’s chaotic New York City giveaway has revealed him consoling and protecting fans as the chaos unfolded before he was taken into custody by the NYPD.

Kai Cenat‘s giveaway didn’t go how he expected. What started as a well-intentioned way to give back to his community erupted into chaos as the streets of New York City were flooded with thousands of people.

Though Kai himself is safe, he’s since been charged with inciting a riot by the NYPD.

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Footage that’s emerged from that day has shown Kai Cenat helping several fans get to safety, including consoling someone who was having a panic attack and even carrying a small child to safety on his back.

Kai Cenat seen consoling panicked fans during NYC chaos

With him being one of the biggest streamers on Twitch and boasting millions of followers across other platforms, it’s no surprise he had a huge turnout when he announced he’d be hitting the streets of New York City.

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However, those looking to meet their favorite content creator were met by a sea of people. One fan was overwhelmed by all the commotion and was having a hard time breathing through what could have been a panic attack.

Kai, meanwhile, stopped to help his fan out. Though he was clearly trying to get his bearings still, he didn’t hesitate to comfort someone who came there to see him.

“I just wanted to see you, I can’t breathe,” the fan could be heard saying as Kai asked if they’d taken their medication. He did his best to calm them down in the moment, helping them breathe and making sure they were okay.

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Additionally, he was seen carrying a child named Junior away from the chaos, helping mother Neira (taintedlovex3 on Instagram) get her child to safety – and hooking them up with a few gift cards in the process.

Kai Cenat and company could be heard shouting “Let the mother through!” as they did their best to escort Junior and Neira away from the horde in Neira’s Instagram story.

Junior seemed excited to have met Kai despite the chaos from the day. “He gave me a high-five, and he also stopped me from crying because – I can’t even say nothing else, he’s too cool.”

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Kai Cenat’s fans have agreed, with many replying to tweets that displayed his actions that day to show their support for the streamer. And, though the meetup may not have ended the way Kai wanted it to, his actions have proven for many that his heart was in the right place and that he cares about his fans.