Jeffree Star responds to backlash over Cremated makeup palette

Jeffree Star, YouTube

YouTuber and makeup mogul Jeffree Star has finally unveiled his latest eyeshadow palette, ‘Cremated’ — but some critics are taking offense over the collection’s name.

When it comes to makeup, few online entertainers are as revered as Jeffree Star, who has seen massive success with many beauty collections, including his previous reveal, ‘Bloodlust.’

However, his latest palette has divided his fanbase, with critics speaking out across social media over the product’s name, finding it offensive, irreverent and disrespectful considering the current global crisis.

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“People aren’t offended because death is scary, they’re offended because they believe it’s insensitive to people who have died and were cremated,” one user argued. “A Stan chooses to ignore why some people would find it offensive, and you shouldn’t bash people for how they feel.

“Jeffree Star or whatever releasing a cremated palette isn’t even offensive, it’s just in bad taste,” another said.

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“Just because it’s everywhere doesn’t mean it has to be used,” another critic Tweeted. “Being cremated is not cool or sick! And yes, it is disrespectful for people who lost loved ones.”

Star has since hit back at critics taking issue with the Cremated palette, as stated in a Tweet reply to a fan, where he explained that he’s had the palette trademarked since fall 2019.

“People are bored and want to be offended by something new,” he wrote. “The Star Family knows it’s part of my vocabulary, and I’ve had this idea trademarked since September 2019.”

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Citing the palette as a “gothic dream,” Star’s collection takes inspiration from such gothic values as embracing the macabre and morbid, finding death to be just another facet of life.

However, fans are not as “deceased” as Star had initially hoped, with many still taking offense over such a name — or at least, the very release of the product — during such unprecedented times.

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Despite those upset by the product, Star continues to clap back at his critics on social media, retweeting humorous responses and videos from fans in wake of a launch that has seen a rocky reception among makeup lovers.