Jeffree Star hits back at rumors of faking $2.5 million makeup robbery

Jeffree Star tests out new makeup wipes for his audience.YouTube: Jeffree Star

[jwplayer mgzBNoPb]In 2019, YouTuber and makeup mogul Jeffree Star revealed that one of his makeup warehouses had been robbed of $2.5 million worth of product — but now, some critics are accusing the influencer of faking the entire ordeal.

In April of last year, Jeffree Star — known for his massively popular beauty brand, Jeffree Star Cosmetics — uploaded a harrowing video claiming that one of his warehouses had been broken into, with the thieves selling his then-unreleased concealer line on the black market.

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Citing over $2.5 million worth in damages, Star was met with sympathy from both fans and critics alike over the shocking incident — but now, some aren’t too sure that he was telling the whole truth.

Internet sleuth ‘Good Citizen Records’ claimed to have uncovered documents from the Los Angeles Police Department that stated Jeffree Star had only suffered $10,000 in losses and $30,000 in physical damage.

Since then, critics have been speculating the truth of Star’s April 2019 video — a topic he finally spoke out about in an upload on August 9.

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In a video titled “Addressing RUMORS about me,” Star claimed that the rumors regarding the makeup theft were mere lies and speculation, and blamed it on the 2020 quarantine and current online culture.

“It’s all so silly, but people really run with things, and I get it,” he said of the drama. “This is what 2020’s about. A lot of people are bored and miserable and just want to make up s**t all day. I’m used to it. It’s just shocking, the levels of things that people are believing now.”

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(Topic begins at 6:30)

“ There were 30,000 units of just concealer stolen, and so many other things,” he continued. “It was so horrifying and awful and scary. So for someone to minimize it, like it was a hoax or something, I was like… I roll with the punches. Just take my advice and learn from me, guys. It is what it is.”

Despite the speculation, it doesn’t look like Star is letting the drama get to him, and is decidedly unbothered about accusations of lying about the theft — as well as the current hubbub surrounding friend and fellow YouTuber Shane Dawson.

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