James Charles loses hundreds of thousands of YouTube subs over Tati video drama

James Charles - Instagram / Tati - YouTube

Popular YouTuber James Charles has suffered a major setback in terms of his subscriber count after fellow beauty mogul Tati Westbook slammed him in her latest video “Bye Sister.”

What has not been the greatest of weeks for James Charles was capped off by him losing hundreds of thousands of subscribers on May 10, and possibly even many more.

YouTube stats tracking website SocialBlade revealed that Charles was on pace to lose at least 500,000 subs by the next day, which would be the biggest loss in a single 24 hour period in the platform’s history, according to DramaAlert host KEEMSTAR. 

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This, of course, came in the midst of a massive feud that had brewed between Charles and Tati Westbrook, two of the biggest beauty influencers in the world, and who were once very close friends.

The major subscriber loss on Charles’ channel started around the same time that Tati uploaded a video in which she effectively cut ties with him after three years of friendship.

SocialBladeJames Charles has been losing subscribers steadily since his feud began with Tati, but things went to a whole new level on May 10.

How the Tati-Charles feud began

Things began to unravel when Charles posted an Instagram story promoting a product that was produced by a rival company of Tati’s, something which hurt her deeply.

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Following that taking place, she posted her own video on Instagram, in which she emotionally confessed to feeling used, betrayed, and “alone in the community.”

Although she didn’t actually name Charles in the video, it became pretty clear that the tearful message was very much about him and his decision to promote the product.

Charles apologizes, sort of

Following Tati’s tearful Instagram video, which went viral almost instantly, Charles issued a public apology to her, claiming that he failed to consider her company when endorsing a rival’s product.

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“I did not think of the competition, which was a major oversight,” he continued. “I’ve supported Tati both online and off like she has done for me and am devastated that I hurt someone that I truly love and have endless respect for.” 

James Charles - InstagramJames Charles’ apology to Tati after her tearful Instagram story went viral.

Tati drops bombshell video titled “Bye Sister”

The millions of people who were left wondering whether Tati would forgive Charles after his apology got their answer in an eye-opening video on May 10.

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Called “Bye Sister,” the 40-minute video featured Tati spilling the beans on everything that had taken place between her and Charles, and essentially made it clear that she did not want to be associated with him anymore.

“Fame, power and a fat bank account will change almost anyone. And if you don’t have people that tell you to your face that you’re doing the wrong things you will change,” she said. “I tried to be that person to you James, I really tried. I don’t think there is any getting through to you and I don’t want to be friends with you. I don’t want to be associated with you and I need to say that very publicly so that this chapter can just be closed.”

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Tati - YouTube

From the first minute to the last, Tati did not hold back when talking about Charles, such as when she accused James of spreading around rumors to make her look bad, and even brought up the sexual allegations that were recently made against him by his Coachella date.

“You tried to trick a straight man into thinking he was gay, yet again,” she said. “And somehow, you’re the victim. You know, it’s really disgusting to manipulate someone’s sexuality, especially when they are emerging into adulthood.”

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“You are using your fame, your power, your money to play with people’s emotions,” she added. “You’re threatening to ruin them. You’re threatening to embarass them. And you’re doing that to have them behave sexually in your favor, even if you’re straight. And you know what, that’s not ok.”

Charles apologizes… again

Hours after Tati’s video went live, and began going viral, James Charles posted a video of his own, titled ‘tati,’ in which he apologized to her again, and expressed deep regret for betraying her trust.

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“To Tati and James Westbrook [Tati’s husband], I’m sorry for everything that is going on, everything I have put you through for the past few weeks,” he said at the start of the video.

At this current time, Charles has lost nearly 410,000 subscribers on May 10 alone, and is down to 16,144,482. We will continue updating this article with more information as it becomes available.

Last Updated: May 10, 2019 – 10 PM ET