JakeNBake ‘leaks’ he was offered $1m by a Chinese streaming platform

JakeNBake is the latest Twitch streamer to be caught up in the DMCA drama.Twitch: JakeNBake

Popular Twitch streamer JakeNBake revealed that he was offered a huge deal from Chinese streaming platform Huya, and explained why he decided to turn it down. 

JakeNBake is one of the most popular Twitch IRL [In-Real-Life] streamers out there, entertaining fans with his adventures around Asia.

He has recently been spending the majority of his time in China and Japan and recollected about a meeting with Chinese streaming platform Huya, who offered him a very tempting $1 million deal.

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JakeNBake is a popular Twitch IRL streamer.

A usual stream on February 3 saw Jake sitting outside and chatting with his viewers when he brought up the topic of Huya. He had met a representative of the company at an event in China, and was approached with an offer.

“If you remember, at our ChinaJoy stream last summer… [we met] a guy from Huya who wanted to poach me to stream on the platform and said they would pay me $1 million,” he said. He then jokes that  “we didn’t go through with that deal… maybe it’s leaked [now], but yeah they’re expanding” as he was clearly still streaming on Twitch, months later.

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The American then continued with his story, explaining he would have also had a job at the company and why he turned it down. “He wanted me to be a product manager for Huya in America or something. If I wasn’t streaming it would be a great opportunity… but yeah, it wasn’t enough.”

His reason behind not wanting to join Huya wasn’t too clear, but it seemed that the offer wasn’t good enough for him to leave Twitch behind.

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Fans speculated that Jake would earn more than $1 million from continuing to stream on Twitch, and he may value the freedom of streaming on Twitch quite highly. For now, all fans can do is continue to enjoy his content and wait to see if he is willing to discuss it again.