Is Tiffany Gomas the real “not real” plane woman? Users divided after new video

users debate if Tiffany Gomas is not real plane womanTikTok/TiffanyGomas

Users across social media are divided on whether or not Tiffany Gomas is actually the viral “not real” plane woman after breaking her silence.

Back in July, a woman on a flight from Dallas to Orlando caught the attention of social media after she began freaking out over a “not real” person being onboard.

For weeks, there was silence and the internet, despite all its combined sleuthing power, was unable to identify the mystery woman. That was until police documents revealed she was a 38-year-old marketing executive named Tiffany Gomas.

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After being ID’d, Tiffany went public on social media and posted a video where she apologized for her actions. However, users have since started debating if the two really are the same person after all.

Internet split on identity of “not real” plane woman

In a couple of posts going viral across X, formerly known as Twitter, users questioned whether or not Tiffany Gomas was the same woman from the “not real” plane video.

“I don’t think these are the same people,” reads one post with a side-by-side of the plane clip and the video uploaded by Gomas. The post has been viewed over one million times.

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Beneath it, a poll asking users if they think the two women are the same has, as of this article, received a majority of “note” votes.

Another bizarre side-by-side post questioning the legitimacy of Gomas has the plane woman’s breasts digitally modified to appear bigger. Despite a Community Note adding some much-needed humorous context, the post has been viewed by over 9 million users.

Not everyone agreed that the two are different, however. Some users spotted tattoos on Gomas’ Instagram page that match the ones shown in the recent video.

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While these debates rage, The Daily Mail did an interview with Gomas where she discussed the incident and claimed that blowing up on the internet had been a “frightening” experience.

Since going viral, Gomas has also created new accounts on YouTube, TikTok, X, and her own website where she teases fans to “stay tuned” indicating that there’s more of her story still to be shared.