IRL Twitch streamer petrified as rollercoaster harness fails mid-ride

Instagram: Jaystreazy / Unsplash: Skyler Gerald

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare come to life, as IRL Twitch streamer Jaystreazy was left panicking after his harness failed to lock in place, midway through what would turn out to be a pretty terrifying rollercoaster ride.

Jaystreazy is no stranger to facing difficult situations. The IRL streamer, popularised by his tours of Asian countries, has accumulated almost 50,000 Twitch followers since he launched his channel in October 2017.

However, he’s had some very interesting experiences since starting his tour. In March 2020, he had his phone stolen live on stream by a rogue motorcyclist. However, he has also provided some incredibly heartwarming moments, such as supplying cash to two teachers who had their phones and money stolen.

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But this latest incident is arguably the most shocking yet, as he was left clinging on for dear life after the safety mechanisms on a rollercoaster at Vietnam’s Suoi Tien Amusement Park failed, leaving him without a working harness.

JayStreazy in a suit on streamTwitch: JayStreazy
Jaystreazy has gotten up to plenty of crazy shenanigans during his travels.

As the rollercoaster started, Jaystreazy pointed out that he wasn’t locked in place, and nor was his girlfriend’s. “I’m scared right now,” she said.

Jay wasn’t exactly relaxed, either. “What the f*** is this shit?” he exclaimed. “I could just fly out. What the f***ck. If there’s a loop-de-loop I’m dead.”

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As they reached the apex of the first part of the ride, Jay showed off just how loose the harness was.

Fortunately for Jaystreazy, there was no real chance of him flying out of the rollercoaster as the ride itself was relatively tame. At the same time, the fact the harness failed didn’t exactly fill him with confidence.

In the end, the only real casualty was his girlfriend’s sunglasses, which were swept off halfway through. Given the ridiculousness of the situation, Jay burst into near-hysterical laughter.

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“I can’t believe that dude. I cannot believe I just went on this rollercoaster,” he added. “This really is a park for thrill-seekers.”

Unsurprisingly, the couple’s next ride of choice was a relaxing Ferris Wheel. Given the traumatic situation they had just experienced, it was probably a good call.