IRL streamer Jinny fires back at drunk stranger calling her career “sad”

Twitch: JinnyTTy

While livestreaming her experiences in Pengang, IRL Twitch Streamer Jinnytty documented an uncomfortable interaction with a drunk stranger.

Taking livestreams from the comfort and security of home into the wild of the world consistently brings out the strangest in people.

Though not everyone can take the drastic step of personal security capturing an emergency or something illegal now seems par for the course when taking viewers out into the real world.

Korean streamer Jinnytty has been taking her stream with over 730,000 followers on Twitch around the world. Yet still managing to find an uncomfortably forthright American roaming the streets of Pengang, Malaysia.

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Jinny poses for a selfie.Instagram: yyj0728
Jinnytty is an IRL streamer well versed in creepy encounters.

Amidst a May 26 stream, Jinny was accosted by a stranger outside a bar. Starting by telling Jinny to: “Capture the experience,” you see this man identify himself as ‘Dan’, a Boston native, before stopping in his tracks to “split a beer” with the popular livestreamer.

Taking a negative turn almost immediately, you see Dan offering derision for what Jinny does. Saying: “Doesn’t that make you sad, walking around with a camera stick, that’s your career? Shame. Shame.”

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Dan continues to dig himself a hole by claiming “this is everything wrong with your generation.” Jinny responds in kind to the obtuse stranger “I shame you for shaming this.”

Continuing to provide a clinic in late 00’s style negging in an attempt to pick Jinny up, Dan doubles down on smack-talking IRL livestreaming “What’s so special about the way you walk down the street?” Before revealing his motives by stating: “You’re very hot, I’ll give you that.”

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Jinny’s chat turned on the man, requesting for her to leave the situation. Turning this into entertainment she brings Dan’s attention to the dislike he’s receiving. Pointing out comments such as: “Run away.” “Mean man,” and “f**k this guy.”

Eventually, the interaction ended with Jinny just walking away from the man before telling her chat what a weirdo he was.

This is far from the first time that Jinny has encountered weird behavior on the streets, dodging potential kidnappings, and getting scammed in broad daylight all part of a day in the life of an IRL streamer.

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