IRL streamer gets into brutal cycling accident on Twitch

One IRL streamer found out the hard way that mixing real life and the digital world can have embarrassing consequences when things go wrong in front of an audience.

In-real-life streams combine the best of the outside world with the digital one, meaning that sometimes, the unexpected can happen at any time.

Streamer ‘Ricerman’ found this out the hard way when he got into an accident while broadcasting live on Twitch from his bicycle.

When Twitch streams go wrong

On September 4, the cyclist was riding along while also broadcasting live when he got into a brutal accident that will make any viewer wince.

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Viewers could see his bicycle wobbling as he rode along a busy street, and watched in suspense as he tried to adjust his ride.

Unfortunately, the streamer failed to regain balance and exclaimed “OH SHIT!” to his audience shortly before he came crashing off his bike.

Luckily, he was okay and no harm was done, except maybe a few bruises. His fall did look painful though, as he rubbed his elbow and said “shit” upon picking himself up off of the ground.

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A police officer saw Ricerman’s accident and rushed over to help, picking up his bicycle for him and asking if he was alright. “Yeah,” the streamer responded.

Not the only IRL accident caught on camera

This isn’t the only injury to ever be caught during an IRL broadcast. Back on July 23, another streamer by the name of ‘EJipt’ unexpectedly captured his friend’s accident.

While hanging out with a group of friends, a female was trying to learn the ropes of rope swinging and accidentally let go too early, resulting in a painful faceplanting disaster.

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Thankfully, the girl was okay, as the streamer later confirmed on Discord, saying: “She’s just scrapped and bruised, so we’re gonna take care of her.”

If anything, accidents like these prove that streamers need to be extra vigilant when broadcasting day-to-day life, because the real world stops for nobody.