IRL streamer almost knocks child out with pumpkin after epic fail

An IRL streamer’s broadcast at a food festival took a quick turn for the worst when the Twitch personality’s epic fail led to a kid almost getting knocked out.

One of the most exciting thing about IRL streams is its unpredictable nature, as anything can happen in the real world. However, while most personalities that broadcast outside get taken by surprise by the actions of others, sometimes it’s the streamer that surprises everyone else.

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During his October 20 broadcast at a food festival called ‘Taste of Atlanta’ in Sandy Springs, Georgia, Twitch streamer ‘WholeWheatPete’ was documenting his experience at the event when things went south after he took a nasty spill on camera, and almost took a kid out with his flying pumpkin.

Instagram: @peter_drozThe IRL streamer took a nasty fall during his food festival stream in Georgia.

The IRL streamer was walking around the food festival carrying a pumpkin, when he turned around to talk to his cameraman. As he was walking backwards, he suddenly clipped a bench with his leg and it sent him flying forward, as the pumpkin lunged from his hands and went sailing.

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The flying fruit cut through the air and almost hit a child in the head, but barely missed him as the boy quickly noticed the object, and dodged it out of terror. The streamer fell to the floor and frantically searched for where his pumpkin had landed.

A lady off camera asked the streamer if he was alright, and stunned by what happened, he asked her the same thing back. “Nothing happened to me! I just heard all this fumbling!” the woman replied, clearly amused.

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Pete then slowly got up and his cameraman asked him if he was alright. “Dude, I think I just tripped on this bench!” he exclaimed, as he shook his leg before searching for his fruit.

The cameraman checked to see if the little boy who was almost hit in the head was okay and apologized, before catching up to the Twitch personality who was distraught upon discovering that his pumpkin had been obliterated.  

(Mobile viewers, click here for the clip.)

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The IRL streamer quickly walked away in embarrassment, as his friend exclaimed, “I just wanted to let you know that you flung (the pumpkin)!”  

“I deada*s fell like over the bench!” Pete explained, before his buddy cut in with, “I don’t know how you managed to do that with the pumpkin, but yikes!”

As WholeWheatPete continued to walk off, fans in the chat were going wild. “You could have gotten a double kill!” he read out, laughing. “Did I almost hit a kid?” he asked his friend. “Oh God. It’s time to end stream, we are done here!”

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(Mobile viewers, click here for the clip.)

While the food festival stream didn’t go as he had planned, the streamer probably learned a lesson to not walk backwards in a crowd while broadcasting, especially when holding a large pumpkin.

As of the time of this article, WholeWheatPete has over 17,000 followers on Twitch and growing.